Just some of what we can fix

No Power
No power is usually caused by a logic board issue, especially after liquid damage. The trackpad or keyboard can also keep the device from turning on if they fail.

Not Charging
Some devices are more prone to charging issues after liquid damage due to the location of charging circuit components on the board.

No Backlight
Typically with no backlight issues, you will be able to see the screen if you shine a light through the apple logo on the back of the display. No backlight issues are especially common on 2013-2017 MacBook Air devices.

No Image

Trackpad and keyboard not working

Liquid Damage
No image can be caused by both the logic board or the display itself. Typically with image issues, you will still hear the startup chime, but you will not be able to see a image at all, even when shining a light through the apple logo on the back of the screen.
On most newer MacBooks the keyboard is controlled by the trackpad. Keyboard and trackpad issues can be caused by a issue with the trackpad and keyboard, or the logic board.
Some devices are more prone to charging issues after liquid damage due to the location of charging circuit components on the board.

MacBook Logic Board Repair
CSD is a industry leader when it comes to MacBook logic board repair. We can solve most logic board issues including, but not limited to no power, no backlight, no image, random crashing and more!

MacBook Liquid Damage Repair
Extensive liquid damage Not a problem! We specialize in MacBook Liquid Damage Repair and can repair liquid damaged logic boards for much less than the cost of full board replacement.
All Repairs include free return shipping.

Assessment / Diagnostics
Prices incl. VAT
Assessment & diagnostic to determine fault. This fee is only due if you do not proceed with the repair.
Includes return shipping